University and Academic Presses seeking a high-quality, affordable solution for editorial, design, and production services can benefit from the Standard Monograph Program offered through a partnership between Westchester Publishing Services and Longleaf Services.
In this collaborative arrangement, Longleaf Services manages the following editorial, design, and production services provided through Westchester Publishing Services:
- Copyediting
- Composition
- Proof review
- Proofreading
- Indexing
- Author management
- Final print-ready PDF
- ePub files
Additional advantages of the Standard Monograph Program are:
- A streamlined, standardized workflow
- Templated interior design for books and journals
- Reduced amount of contact points for vendor engagement
The Standard Monograph Program has been developed in consultation with client presses, providing services, tools, and insights at price points that individual presses may not be able to obtain on their own. The end result is a finished product that University & Academic Presses and their authors can take pride in.
Contact us today, to learn how the Standard Monograph Program can be a cost-effective solution for your titles.
About LongLeaf Services.
Longleaf Services is a non-profit company established by The University of North Carolina Press to provide a full suite of services tailored to the requirements of University Presses. Westchester Publishing Services and Longleaf Services collaborate in their areas of expertise to offer University Presses the Standard Monograph Program, a high-quality, cost-effective solution for project management and EDP services on these titles.