Intro Text
Nibh egestas dictumst cursus est turpis quis tincidunt pulvinar maecenas eget massa vel, ante nam blandit egestas enim id quis sit maecenas id nunc tempus auctor orci, enim imperdiet proin nibh mattis. Nibh egestas dictumst cursus est turpis quis tincidunt pulvinar maecenas eget massa vel, ante nam blandit egestas enim id quis sit maecenas id nunc tempus auctor orci, enim imperdiet proin nibh mattis. Nibh egestas dictumst cursus est turpis quis tincidunt pulvinar maecenas eget massa vel, ante nam blandit egestas enim id quis sit maecenas id nunc tempus auctor orci, enim imperdiet proin nibh mattis.
Computer Template
The computer design utilizes different text styles and sidebars appropriate for nearly any software application text requiring real-world examples to show the reader how to execute a concept. The design offers a preview of the chapter, numbered sections, tables, scripting examples, and inline figures. The “Checkpoint” sidebars ensure the reader has grasped concepts before arriving at the chapter review.
Cookbook Template
This cookbook design will work for practically any recipe-driven text with full-page images accompanying descriptive recipes or with recipes that may only have smaller photos displayed on the same page. The design has introductory text and offers two different recipe layout options to customize the text. The end matter provides a glossary, measurements, and an index to reference ingredients and recipes easily.
Fiction Classic Template Options
Using Arno Pro as the text font, the fiction classic design offers four layouts to customize any fiction title with unique openers. One option has chapter openers for titles with multiple narratives. These fiction templates contain additional styles such as a numbered list, letter, dialog, introductory quote, and standard paragraphs. To further stylize the title, the end-of-book material includes sections for Acknowledgments, Questions for Discussion, and About the Author.
Fiction Vintage Template Options
Using Adobe Garamond Pro as the text font, the fiction vintage design offers four layouts to customize any fiction title with unique openers. One option has chapter openers for titles with multiple narratives. These fiction templates contain additional styles such as a numbered list, letter, dialog, introductory quote, and standard paragraphs. To further stylize the title, the end-of-book material includes sections for Acknowledgments, Questions for Discussion, and About the Author.
Nonfiction Template Options
The non-fiction designs offer four templates to give the book an impressive appearance. The main formatting differences for the Executive, Wellspring, Entrepreneur, and Artisan designs are the display fonts used throughout. Depending on the subject matter, the unique font found in each design delivers the correct look to express the title's tone. The numerous style sheet options used throughout will handle almost any layout scenario the text needs.