By Nicole Tomassi, Marketing and Conference ManagerIn 2017, Westchester Publishing Services enjoyed several significant accomplishments, and we’re already hard at work to build upon those successful initiatives in 2018. These achievements are possible thanks to the efforts of our employees, along with the trust placed in us by our valued clients. Together, they made 2017 a year we look back on with pride, and we hope 2018 will be an equally successful year for all. Conferences, tradeshows, and events, oh my!
Increasing the growth of our client listThroughout the year, Westchester Publishing Services became the provider of editorial or composition services to several more publishers, including signing multi-year agreements with prestigious publishers The MIT Press and Rutgers University Press. Meanwhile across the pond…We further expanded our presence in the UK during 2017, sponsoring and attending conferences including London Book Fair, The Bookseller Children’s Conference and FutureBook. We also became a member of the Independent Publishers Guild, which has been an advocate for independent publishers for 55 years. Expanding into new marketsIn May, we launched our K-12 Publishing Services division, led by Managing Director, Kevin Gray, who has an experienced and talented team to meet the demand for high-quality content development our clients require. PW Digital Solutions in India Special ReportEach year Publishers Weekly looks at the developments and innovations in digital production in their Digital in India supplement. We received significant coverage in the July 3rd issue and are proud of being the only US employee-owned company profiled who has full ownership and hands-on management of our production facilities in India. Strategic partnerships
Better by designIn November, Westchester Publishing Services brought Mark DaGrossa on board as our Director of Creative Services. Mark’s extensive knowledge and resources allow us to significantly increase the design capabilities we are able to provide publishers for their titles. An updated website and Client Portal
New faces and milestone anniversariesWestchester Publishing Services has been growing steadily in recent years, with approximately one-quarter of our team joining the company since 2014. We are also fortunate to have employees who have been with us for 20 years or longer, including Roger Mahaffey and Sue Shaw, who each recently celebrated 25 years with Westchester. Bill Foley joined the company in 1976, making his impressive tenure second only to our Founder and CEO Dennis Pistone. Congratulations to all on your careers with Westchester! Lending a helping hand
A look ahead: 2018 conferences and trade showsIn 2018 Westchester Publishing Services will be involved in more industry events than ever before. We have made sponsorship and attendance commitments for several conferences and tradeshows in the US and the UK, including:
Visit our events page for a complete list, and contact us to set up a convenient time to talk! We look forward to learning more about how we can help you resolve your editorial, design, or production challenges in the year ahead, so you can fully focus on growing your company in 2018 and beyond. |
Westchester Publishing Services a Gold Sponsor of PW Star Watch 2017
By Guest Blogger – Nicole Tomassi
Three years ago, in an effort to bring well-deserved attention to people on the rise in the publishing industry, Publishers Weekly, working together with the Frankfurt Book Fair, created PW Star Watch.
This event seeks to identify individuals who have brought a fresh, innovative approach to the work they are doing in publishing, whether it’s production, bookselling, or any other non-executive position you can think of within publishing’s vast realm, honor their contributions, and provide them with the mentorship which will help them achieve further success within the industry.
Each year, the PW Star Watch Executive Jury selects forty semi-finalists from all the nominations received. From within this talented group, five finalists are chosen, with the name of the one who is the year’s Superstar being revealed at the PW Star Watch event. The newly named Superstar not only gets to bask in the glow of recognition from among their industry peers but is also awarded an all-expenses-paid trip to the Frankfurt Book Fair, which takes place in October.
Westchester Publishing Services realizes the importance of contributions from people who are newer to the industry. The ideas and concepts these people share are vital for the continued innovation and growth which are integral to the future viability of all aspects of the industry. We are very proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Third Annual Publishers Weekly Star Watch and hope you can join us on Wednesday, September 6 in New York City when the next Super Star is recognized for their accomplishments.
To see who this year’s honorees are, or to purchase tickets (there are just a few still available!), please click here.
Annual supplement focuses on digital solutions for publishers
Westchester recently had the opportunity to participate once again in Publishers Weekly’s Digital Solutions in India annual supplement. This annual issue helps the publishing industry understand the options available for editorial, composition, and digital services – often from vendors based in India.
As the only U.S. employee-owned company in the market focused exclusively on editorial and production services, Westchester is proud of the work we do in both North America and India. Publishers Weekly’s Digital Solutions in India annual supplement covered many aspects of our business, including leading with our perspectives on recent changes in the print and digital space, writing about new units and offerings at Westchester including our Client Portal , highlighting some of our recent, complex projects , and featuring us in their digital marketplace section.
Westchester’s year of expansion
Westchester has undergone significant growth since our appearance in last year’s Digital Solutions supplement, including expansions in our Scholarly publishing, Domestic Full Service, and India Direct Full Service businesses, the acquisition of Kinetic Publishing Services, our move into K-12 publishing services, and the launch of our Client Portal. Contact Us to learn more about our offerings, and explore the various ways we can help you affordably scale your publications program.
The month of May always tends to be busy here at Westchester Publishing Services, and this year is no different. This week, we announced the addition of Kevin J. Gray to our team. Kevin will be leading our newly launched division, Westchester K-12 Publishing Services as Director, K-12 Publishing Services.
Our K-12 development and production group is a natural growth extension of the editorial and production services we have been providing to our clients for nearly 50 years. Westchester K-12 Publishing Services offers a complete range of product development services to support educational publishers. Kevin brings with him a wealth of experience from other well-known publisher services companies, along with a strong desire to deliver outstanding products and services to the K-12 educational market. We’re pleased to have someone of Kevin’s caliber to head up this important initiative for Westchester Publishing Services.
You can read more about Kevin and Westchester K-12 Publishing Services in this press release
Visit our website to learn more about the products and services available from Westchester K-12 Publishing Services, and if you’re attending the upcoming Content In Context conference later this month in Philadelphia, be sure to stop by our booth to meet Kevin.